Moms of Tweens and Teens
The Moms of Tweens and Teens podcast offers encouragement, expert advice, and equips moms with a deeper understanding of the unique needs of their tween or teen and how to meet them where they’re at and support them to thrive. Sheryl Gould is the Founder of Moms of Tweens and Teens, a nationally recognized Parenting Educator, Speaker, and Author of “SOS: The Technology Guidebook for Parents of Tweens and Teens, Get The Answers You Need, Keep Them Safe and Enjoy Your Kids Again” and the forthcoming book, “You're Not Crazy, You’re Not A Bad Parent, And No Your Adolescent Doesn’t Really Hate You.”
117 episodes
How To Navigate Grief and Loss and Find Joy Again, A Sacred Interview with Krista St. Germain
None of us get through this life without experiencing grief and loss. The question is, how do we work through that loss and come to believe that we can actually love our lives again? My special guest today is Krista St-Germain, who ...
Episode 115

The Parent-Teen Connection: Transforming Parent-Teen Relationships with Susan Caso
Parenting a teenager isn’t easy. Maybe your teen used to talk to you about everything, and now they’re constantly in their room and barely say a word. Or maybe every conversation seems to turn into an argument, and you’re struggling to conne...
Episode 114

Mindfulness for Moms: Finding Calm in the Chaos with Kelly Smith
Welcome to the Moms of Tweens and Teens Podcast!Moms, let me ask you this: Do you ever feel like your mind is racing a hundred miles a minute like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel of to-dos, worries, and “what ifs”? It’s so easy to get di...
Episode 113

How to Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Neurodiverse Teen & Move From Conflict to Cooperation with Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster
Welcome to the Moms of Tweens and Teens Podcast!Today, I'm excited to introduce two incredible guests, Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster, co-founders of ImpactParents and creators of the acclaimed podcast Pa...
Episode 112

How to Support Your Tween or Teen When They Have No Friends with Special Guest Sheri Gazitt
Today, we're going to be talking about how to help our tweens and teens who are struggling with friendships, and this is really painful as a mom. If you have a kid who is lonely and is struggling with girl drama, it might look a...
Episode 111

How to Organize Your Life and Declutter Using the Enneagram, Interview with Laurie Palau
Hey friend,If you struggle with clutter and being organized.If you are frustrated with your kid and their bedrooms and how disorganized they can be.If you’re wondering why it’s so hard to keep it all together with everything you hav...
Episode 110

How To Let Go to Help Them Grow: Supporting Your Teen To Thrive, Interview with Dr. Cameron Caswell
Hi friend. Welcome to the show today, and I am so glad that you're spending time with me. In today's episode, we are talking about the tough process of letting go. Letting is one of the most difficult things when your your kid hits the ...
Episode 109

How To Raise Confident Daughters, Mind, Body, and Spirit, with Kristi K. Hoffman
Welcome friend,Kristi K. Hoffman is an award-winning, Emmy-nominated TV host, media producer, journalist, lifestyle influencer, family woman, businesswoman, philanthropist, and best-selling teen social issues author of
Episode 108

The Keys To Creating A Happy Summer
**Please support the show HERE!**Summer is the perfect time for fun and relaxation, but it can also bring its share of challenges....
Episode 107

Rising Above Your Story with Karena Kilcoyne
We've all experienced pain and trauma in our lives, whether it be trauma with a "little t" or "big T" trauma. There have been people, events, and situations that have hurt and wounded us. As a result, we've developed defense mechanisms t...
Episode 106

What Our College-Bound Kids Need to Know with The College Doc, Dr. Jill Grimes
I'm so excited that Dr. Jill Grimes is back. She is the college doc and just came out with her newest edition of "The Ultimate College Student Health Handbook: Your Guide for Everything from Hangovers to Homesi...
Episode 105

How To Have Healthy Talks About Sex and Intimacy in A Confusing Culture, Interview with Dina Alexander
Welcome to today's episode of How To Have Healthy Talks About Sex and Intimacy in A Confusing Culture. When it comes to sex, our bodies, love, and intimacy, our kids are bombarded with false, unhealthy, and confusing messa...
Episode 104

How To Ditch The Mom Lies and Find Your Way Back To Yourself with Heather Chauvin
Welcome to the show today, and I am so glad you're here. I want to start today by sharing something that my friend Amy sent to me yesterday. This is a meme entitled "How to be a mom in 2017. "We could actually change that to "2024" bec...
Episode 103

Could My Kid Be Suicidal? What to Do and Say. A Personal Story with AnneMoss Rogers
Hi, friends; welcome to the show. I'm so glad that you're here. Mental health and emotional wellness is something that we all want for our kids. And if our kids are struggling, if they're going through a tough time, if they'...
Episode 102

Getting Your Kids To Do Chores: A Radical and Refreshing Approach with Lori Sugarman
Hi Friend,Welcome to Season 2 Episode 1 of the Moms of Tweens and Teens podcast!If you struggle to get your tweens and teens to do chores and help out around the house, you want to listen to this podcast!
Episode 101

Building Community And Making A Difference In Our World, Interview with Angela Melfi
Welcome friend! I believe we all want to feel inspired to make a positive difference in our world.Today's episode is all about chasing those dreams of making a real difference in the world.I'm super excited because we'...
Episode 100

How To Embrace Your Feminine Power To Have More Influence and Success In Your Life, Interview with Lauren Schifferdecker
Hi Friend, Welcome to the show today. I’m so glad that you are tuning in and spending time with me.As women and moms, we have a lot of power and influence. We are leaders. We are the CEO of our homes. We have beautiful feminine...
Episode 99

You are Mom Enough through the challenges, the loneliness, the heartache and shame, with Rachel Marie Martin of Finding Joy
Welcome friend,I am super honored to have Rachel Marie Martin on the show today. If you don’t recognize her name, she is the writer behind the site FindingJoy.net.She’s written about divorce, heartbreak and recon...
Episode 98

How to Guide Your Teen Through Challenges And Help Them Find Grit & Resilience, with Jesse LeBeau
Jesse LeBeau is one of today’s most highly sought-after youth speakers and teen coaches. His unlikely underdog story has inspired millions of teens through his speaking, best-selling books, and youth programs. He is one of...
Episode 97

Going From Exhaustion and Overwhelm to Finding Balance As A Mom with Kristin Bartholomew
Hi Friend Happy New Year 2024!I am so excited about this new Year - I am leading a workshop next week, Creating an Abundant Mom Life in 2024, on Wednesday, January 17th at 12N CDT - you can register on the
Episode 96

Parenting Beyond Tips and Tricks: Embracing Authenticity and Growth in Parenting Our Kids with Dr. Norrine Russell
If you have an ADHD kid you understand the frustration, arguing and misunderstanding this can cause for parents and their kids. My special guest today is Dr. Norrine Russell, she is an Executive Functioning & ADHD Expe...
Episode 95

Calming The Chaos Raising Challenging Tweens and Teens with Dayna Abraham
On today's episode, we're joined by the incredible Dayna Abraham. Dayna Abraham has become a trusted and proven leader in the parenting community. An award-winning, national board-certified educator who has spent over ten years in the classr...
Episode 94

What Our Kids Need to Know When They Are College Bound with Dr. Jill Grimes
Welcome to the show today. When our kids leave for college, it can be an exciting time but also a scary time. When our kids are in our home, we may have an illusion of control or at least some influence on their decisions ...
Episode 93

How to Parent a Strong-Willed Tween or Teen with Wendy Snyder
Welcome, friend, to the show.Who is listening and has a strong-willed tween or teen?If you’re raising your hand - I know how exhausting, frustrating, and overwhelming it can be. Wendy Snyder is ...
Episode 92

Modern Manners To Set Your Tween/Teen Up for Success In Relationships, School, Work, and Life with Brooke Romney
I'm thrilled to have Brooke Romney with us today. Brooke is a best-selling author and a book '52 Modern Manners for Teens: Part I & II,' and '52 Modern Manners for Kids'. Brooke brings a wealth of knowledge and practical advice to the tabl...
Episode 91