Moms of Tweens and Teens
The Moms of Tweens and Teens podcast offers encouragement, expert advice, and equips moms with a deeper understanding of the unique needs of their tween or teen and how to meet them where they’re at and support them to thrive. Sheryl Gould is the Founder of Moms of Tweens and Teens, a nationally recognized Parenting Educator, Speaker, and Author of “SOS: The Technology Guidebook for Parents of Tweens and Teens, Get The Answers You Need, Keep Them Safe and Enjoy Your Kids Again” and the forthcoming book, “You're Not Crazy, You’re Not A Bad Parent, And No Your Adolescent Doesn’t Really Hate You.”
Moms of Tweens and Teens
What Our Kids Need to Know When They Are College Bound with Dr. Jill Grimes
Welcome to the show today.
When our kids leave for college, it can be an exciting time but also a scary time. When our kids are in our home, we may have an illusion of control or at least some influence on their decisions and keeping them safe and now we can’t make sure that they are okay.
Then they leave, and we worry - will they make good decisions? Will they be okay? What if they are sick and don’t tell me or go to the doctor if it’s serious? Will they make friends? What if they are feeling homesick or anxious or depressed, or what if they go to a party and binge drink?
It can be a really helpless feeling AND we know that it’s a necessary part of growing up to give them the space and opportunity to make their own decisions, figure things out, and not to be calling them all the time.
Well Dr. Jill Grimes is here to help us. She is an award-winning author of the the humorous and evidence-based “The ULTIMATE College Student Health Handbook: Your Guide for Everything from Hangovers to Homesickness” She is passionate about prevention.
We talk a lot about some of the bigger things that we worry about like alcohol and drugs in their episode and how we can talk to our kids.
As a proud Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, her practical and evidence-based advice covers all ages, genders and body parts. Dr. Grimes has always enjoyed educating, in and out of the exam rooms. Her message is shared across all media platforms, from print magazines and online forums, to radio talk shows and television.
As a parent of freshly graduated college students herself, Dr. Grimes is especially empathetic to the medical challenges these young people experience.
Let’s dive in!
What you will learn:
- What do teen parents need to know about today’s party culture (that is different from what we experienced)?
- Is “weed” a big deal or not? Isn’t it less dangerous than alcohol?
- What is “blackout drinking”? (Lots of risks here that both parents & kids don’t realize, including legal risks with consent)
- Fentanyl use an
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Find awesome resources on MOTTs University: https://www.mottsuniversity.com/
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Sheryl also has an Inner Circle weekly Parenting Program with a community of like-minded moms, personal coaching, and tons of resources to equip and support you to love well, navigate the challenges and meet your tween and teen’s unique needs during these pivotal years.
Get on the waitlist to get all the details and to be the first to know when it opens! https://momsoftweensandteens.lpages.co/waiting-list-for-membe...