Moms of Tweens and Teens

How A Mom of Ten Found Systems That Worked and Now Helps Other Moms To Do The Same, Interview with Laura Hernandez

Episode 77

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Who here feels exhausted and overwhelmed with how much you have to get done on a daily basis? 

Do you often feel disorganized and like you're flying by the seat of your pants most of the time?

Do you notice that you feel resentful a lot because you're tired of doing all the things, all the time, for all the people?

Well, help is here.

My special guest is Laura Hernandez, who is the founder of Mama Systems. 

Laura and her husband, Tony, are raising ten children in the Dallas area. In the past four and a half years, they have added six new children to their family... three biologically and three through adoption. 

Laura’s large and unconventional family forced her to create systems that helped her family run smoothly. As a result, it reduced her daily workload, and her house became a place of peace. 

Today we talk about systems in our homes - why and how to create them and how it can reduce decision fatigue, restore our sanity and create peace in our homes.

Let’s dive in! 

What you will learn:

  • How do moms decide which systems to implement? 
  • What changes did you begin to see in your family once you implemented various systems?
  • What if you are a person that struggles with systems - where do you start?
  • How do you motivate your kids?
  • How would you encourage moms to get their kids on board, especially the mom that is starting this with older kids?
  • What are some tried and true systems that you have implemented that have created more peace and time for yourself?
  • How to teach your kids systems so they can become more independent and responsible.

Where to find Laura:

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Sheryl also has an Inner Circle weekly Parenting Program with a community of like-minded moms, personal coaching, and tons of resources to equip and support you to love well, navigate the challenges and meet your tween and teen’s unique needs during these pivotal years.

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