Moms of Tweens and Teens

Behind Their Screens: What Teens Are Facing (and Adults Are Missing) / Interview with Drs. Emily Weinstein and Carrie James

Episode 58

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Drs. Emily Weinstein and Carrie James are Principal Investigators at Harvard Project Zero, where for over a decade, they’ve researched youth and technology. They chase answers to questions like How do today’s technologies shape teens’ lives and development? What’s hard for them and why? How can adults better support kids who are growing up with unprecedented connectivity? 

Drs. Weinstein and James direct the Digital Dilemmas study and the Reimagining Digital Well-being project. They are also passionate about developing resources to support schools and families in rethinking digital citizenship, including through their longtime partnership with Common Sense Education. Their new book is Behind Their Screens: What Teens Are Facing (and Adults Are Missing). 

 Let’s dive in!

What you will learn:

  • The pressures our teens feel to take a stance online about current events. 
  • The subtle ways teens engage in cyberbullying. 
  • Why can’t our kids feel like they can't just turn off their phones when someone's being mean to them? 
  • What adults misunderstand about what it's like to try and be a good friend in an age of constant connectivity. 
  • What the term “technoference” means, and how does it affect our parent-child relationship?
  • How parents can pivot out of the referee role and into being more like a coach where the role is to be alongside your teen.  
  • Why technology and screen time is not the enemy and why it's more about how each individual kid is using their screens. 
  • What it means to say th

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